Our vision is to establish the KINGDOM of God in the earth as in heaven, to fill the earth with the GLORY of God
and to equip, edify and raise mankind in CHRIST as the image and likeness of God.


Our mission is to establish the church as the body of Christ, to educate and develop each individual into a perfect man into his/her function through salvation, to educate and develop a God-appointed Fivefold for the work of ministry to develop individual functions into sonship.

Our mission is to build a platform where we work together in guarding and protecting Christ as a species until all come to the unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of  God, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ!

Our mission is to establish the gospel of the glory of Christ as the only truth! Through the gospel of Christ the image of God wil restore and regenerate mankind!

Our mission is to establish a household of faith that produce ambassadors of Christ, a leadership who can reveal the mystery which has been hidden for ages and generations but now revealed through the revelation of Jesus Christ, to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery which is – Christ in you, the hope of glory!


God is a God of hope, redemption and salvation for all mankind. He has been writing a story to move the earth from an old creation to a new creation, and God has given us a role to play in Hi(story)! We are devoted in the restoration of our relationship with God, each other, and creation!
God made a promise to fill the whole earth with His glory (Num 14:21), and we have been called to partner with God in achieving this goal through the covenant God made with Abraham. To Abraham and his Seed the promises were made and that Seed is Christ (Gal 3:16). God confirmed this covenant through a new and living way established on better promises through Jesus Christ, the firstborn of a new creation and the last of an old dispensation.
The man Christ Jesus stands as mediator between God and man to reconcile the world back to the Father (1 Tim 2:5).
We teach one God, one Spirit, one baptism, one body of Christ. We believe in the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ!


God is a living God. He is progressive and always moving. The cross of Jesus Christ passed us over from slaves and sinners to children of God on a journey to Uihothesia – the placement of a son by the Father (Rom 8:23, Gal 4:1-2) – delivered from Egypt, onto a journey through the wilderness of mind renewal into a promise of sonship.


As sons of God we make manifest the glory of God and transform a broken world into the Kingdom of God… our true habitation as heavenly citizens!

This new creation means a new creature born from a different Seed, therefore we believe Jesus Christ is the firstborn of many brethren (Rom 8:29). God chose us to be in Christ, and co-heirs, before the foundation of the world, and predestined us to sonship (Eph 1:4-5, Rom 8:17). God’s strategic plan to fill the earth with His glory, is many sonsof glory! Christ in you – the hope of glory (Col 1:27).


In this progressive narrative of God there are 3 very important questions we need to ask ourselves:
1. Who am I? (Developing a Christ identity.)
2. Why am I? (Identifying and developing specific skills in a function through the salvation of God in this identity.)
3. When am I? (In what time and season of God’s plan do I find myself in today?)
Answering these 3 questions correctly is imperative to our journey with God and His story.


793 Rubenstein Drive
Moreleta Park
T: 072 412 9257


Sunday AM - 08h00

Wednesday PM - 19h00






123 Wekker Straat
Moreleta Park
T: 072 412 9257


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Sunday AM - 08h00

Wednesday PM - 19h00